What is

Human Design? 

Imagine you had your very own user manual that "cracks the code" of your DNA

Insight to remember who you truly are and why you chose to be here this lifetime

Guidance to your superpowers and unique gifts you're meant to utilise this lifetime

Wisdom of your Life Lessons you are here to overcome and Master

Your Human Design Chart is a combination of multiple ancient and modern spiritual modalities and sciences including:


I-Ching Hexagram


The Quantum

Modern-day numerology

Nine energetic centres (Indian chakra System)

64 Codes (codons) of DNA

Ready to discover your human design?

Book your human design reading now

Aligning to your design is the key to

Self Mastery 

We did not come here to struggle, to be broke, lonely or in pain. We're not meant to live in disorder or dysfunction. You can have anything and everything you desire, when you know how to " shift into alignment" with your unique design you will experience much less resistance and really begin to live a purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling life - which is your birthright!

Self mastery is the process through which the heart, mind, and soul evolve to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

We all have the ability to reach Self Mastery in this lifetime! Your Human design is your personal manual on how to achieve it.

There are 7 stages on the journey to Self Mastery. During a 90 minute reading, we will embark on the journey through the 7 stages of your blueprint.

What's covered in a Self Mastery

Human Design Reading

In the sessions, we’ll take a  deep dive into your unique chart, guiding you through the pivotal elements that make you unique.  

It begins with the awareness of your identity! We will cover your  Human Design Energy Type and how to know when you’re energetically in alignment (your Signature) and when you’re out of alignment (your “Not-Self” theme.) Your energetic vibration leads you to rapid manifestation when you are in alignment or burnout when out of alignment

Unpacking at your thoughts, feelings & Actions”   (Your Strategy & Authority)  your unique superpowers you’ve been blessed with. Your Super Powers are coming from your Body’s Intelligence, not from your mind (your Ego.) Once you know how to listen to your own inner guidance , you will know how to make the correct decisions in all life situations.

Motivation: why we do the things we do both Consciously and Unconsciously.  Discover your profile in Human Design  the role you’re here to play in this lifetime in order to bring your purpose to life as well as your unique Leadership gifts.

To know thy self and your unique gifts! WE take a Deep Dive into your Defined Energy Centres – which holds the key to all your energetic strengths, gifts and genius you are meant to share with the world!

Compassion & Acceptance of Self. Through our undefined centres, comes your greatest wisdom, teacher  and  life lessons. Within these parts we can truly understand all of our limiting beliefs and fears are all part of us to own, accept and love.

Transmuting all that No longer Serves us”  Decoding the biggest life lessons within your chart and how to transmute this into your greatest gifts and wisdom to share with the world.

Bringing together all the elements of the incarnation Cross – Your Soul’s contract /Life path, your Core Genius and how you can incorporate all of this into a life of Fulfilment, Freedom and Impact.

Whether you are soul-searching for direction in your personal, business or spiritual life... During a 90 minute reading, we will embark on a journey of your unique blueprint to obtain the answers you're searching for.

Curious about your hidden Superpowers?

Book your human design reading now




Becky Cohen 

Becky is a Certified Transformational Coach, A Human Design Practitioner, and an Intuitive Entrepreneur who specialises in helping her clients to discover & unleash  their soul’s divine purpose and unique gifts they are meant to share with the world.   

Becky utilises her own unique intuitive gift for channelling Human Design to connect her clients with their higher selves; so that they may remember who they truly are, why they are here and the soul contract they signed up for in this life time.

During a 90-Minute reading, Becky will take you on a transformational journey of self-discovery by tapping into both the conscious and unconscious  parts of your design to reveal your soul’s blueprint so that you can tap into your own inner wisdom, highest potential and live a life on purpose.

Ready to unlock your Soul's Purpose?

Book your human design reading now

ready to take human design to the next level?

Purpose by Design is a unique coaching program that helps aspiring Conscious Leaders, Change Makers and Impact seekers who are stuck in unfulfilling careers or businesses, discover and unleash their life's purpose and unique gifts; through a powerful Transformational journey incorporating your human design.

Book Your Free Breakthrough Session!​

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Life Purpose by Design​

(by The Conscious Revolution)

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